Defending the family

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Delgaudio Leads 2,000 Penn State Citizens To Gov. Corbett's offices to defend traditional Marriage

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate, asked thousands to take action in Pennsylvania and thousands have taken action already.

Delgaudio says in messages being broadcast on a variety of websites, social pages and in robo calls in Pennsylvania:


"Pennsylvania's Governor Tom Corbett wants to surrender the definition of marriage to the radical Homosexual Lobby.

U.S. District Judge John Jones ruled against Pennsylvania's real marriage law last week.

But Governor Corbett -- no doubt thinking of his upcoming election -- announced he would not appeal Judge Jones' ruling.

Click here right away to sign your petition to Governor Corbett demanding he fight for real marriage and appeal Judge Jones' ruling.

And once you've signed your petition, please call Governor Corbett at 717-787-2500 and tell him the majority of Pennsylvanians still believe in real marriage!
