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Conservative Media Is Siding With Gay Lobby, Blacklists Expose By Robert Reilly

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio says "In spite of a lifetime devoted to national leadership on a broad range of topics, when author Robert Reilly now writes about the wrongful and deceitful gay lobby, many in the conservative news media wave the white flag of total silence and become cowards."

Breitbart reports

"Nothing in National Review, not even National Review Online. Nothing in Weekly Standard, even though Reilly reached out personally to his old friend Bill Kristol. Nothing in the American Spectator, which has already rejected a piece on the book by one of their longstanding contributors. The Wall Street Journal didn't even lead the publisher along. They said simply and firmly, "no."

Robert Reilly moves into very tough and dangerous territory, and this may be at least one of the parts of the book making conservative editors edgy. He suggests that inveterate sinning can lead to a deadening of the conscience and, in order to maintain inveterate sinning, an elaborate edifice of justification must be erected. The edifice of justification is built not just by the sinner but a willing society around him.

Bob Reilly has put in most of his life to advancing conservative arguments at a very high level and even under enemy fire. Friends of Reilly say hate the book, if you must, but it is wrong to ignore it."