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Archbishop Cordileone's remarks at March for Marriage

Earlier this week, a "private note" sent to Archbishop Cordileone from Nancy Pelosi was leaked to the press (presumably by Pelosi herself) where the Congresswoman was pleading with the Archbishop to not attend yesterday's March for Marriage in DC.

On top of that, Cordileone was also receiving flak from multiple government officials in the state of California.

Yes, basically we had government officials telling a bishop how to bishop.

Fear not though! Archbishop Cordileone had just the right words to say.

On Tuesday, Cordileone responded back to Pelosi and the California officials with a public letter stating his intention to continue on with his attendance at the march.

You can read the letter here:

So, yesterday was the March and since the Archbishop was one of the headlining speakers, he had a few things he wanted to clear up with those opposing the march.

"I want to begin with a word to those who disagree with us on this issue and may be watching us right now: we love you, we are your neighbors, and we want to be your friends, and we want you to be happy."

"Please understand that we don't hate you, and that we are not motivated by animus or bigotry; it is not our intention to offend anyone, and if we have, I apologize; please try to listen to us fairly, and calmly, and try to understand us and our position, as we will try to do the same for you."

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