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Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio Asks Thousands to Call Speaker Howell To Defend Traditional Marriage in Virginia

Public Advocate is presenting a full-court press on Virginia's Speaker of the House Bill Howell, asking him to defend the state's real marriage amendment.

Gov. McAuliffe and his attorney general Mark Herring refuse to defend Virginia's popular amendment to define marriage as one man and one woman -- even though it is their job to do so.

However, pro-Family advocates have found an alternate defensive measure.

H.R. 541 is a bill that will require the House of Delegates to appoint an attorney directly to defend the amendment; even all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.

This bill has been stalled so far by the inaction of Speaker Howell, and that is where Public Advocate is focusing our efforts.

Our "full court press" includes state-wide email blasts, a cascade of phone calls, and online banners through Google and Facebook.

We are already hearing reports that Howell is feeling the pressure.

And we plan to continue our press until the Speaker publicly supports H.R. 541 and promises to do everything he can to defend real marriage in the Old Dominion.

I have just authorized my staff to double the budget for this operation in order to launch a whole new wave of emails and internet alerts.

I know the Speaker's office was bombarded the last couple of days, and we expect this tempo to continue for some time.

Please contact Speaker Howell to stand up for traditional marriage:

Speaker William Howell

State Capitol Office in Richmond

Office Phone Number: (804) 698-1028

E-mail: [email protected]