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ATTENTION ARKANSAS SUPPORTERS: Tell Mark Pryor and Tom Cotton to return Family Values Survey

Our Arkansas campaign is gaining momentum in the U.S. Senate Race between the incumbent Mark Pryor (D) and Congressman Tom Cotton (R).

As of August 1, here are the results:

Arkansas totals: 1,385,668 impressions

Here is the link and contact information to tell Mark Pryor and Tom Cotton to fill out the Family Values Survey:

1) Senator Mark Pryor (Incumbent)
Survey Status: Not Returned
Family Values: 0% (Based on his support for the Gay Bill of Special Rights)
Contact Action: Ask why he has not completed this Family Values survey.
Pryor Senate Campaign Email
Phone: 501-353-1116

2) Congressman Tom Cotton
Survey Status: Not Returned
Family Values: Unknown
Contact Action: Ask why he has not completed this Family Values survey.
Cotton Senate Campaign Email
Phone: 501-313-2914