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News Busters Reports:

Although Phil Robertson appeared on Tuesday's Good Morning America to promote his new book, reporter Ryan Owens couldn't resist portraying the reality show personality as a bigot.

On April 26, 2007, reporter John Berman saluted O'Donnell as a "pioneer," but omitted her hazy contention that officials in the United States may have been connected to the September 11th, 2001 attacks.

On August 8, 2014, the liberal host, who will be returning to The View in the fall, doubled down on her truther beliefs, telling NewsBusters via Twitter: "I still do not believe the official story" on 9/11.

On November 14, 2011, Bill Maher appeared on GMA. After mentioning the African American Herman Cain, the liberal comic joked that Romney is the only thing stopping "the rise of the apes." The remark went unchallenged.

It would seem that the controversial statements of liberal celebrities aren't that interesting to ABC.

Here is the interview with Phil Robertson:

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