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Atlanta Mayor Fires Fire Chief for Stating Christian Beliefs

A few weeks ago, we brought you the story of the Atlanta Fire Chief who was suspended from his job for simply stating in a book that he did not agree with homosexuality. Now, the Mayor of Atlanta went one step further and actually fired the city's Fire Chief.

To Buy Kelvin Cochran's book, click on this link:

Read the story below, and please do not hesitate to contact Mayor Kasim Reed's office to let him know what you think of his actions. His office phone number is 1(404) 330-6100.

CBS46 Atlanta is reporting:

City of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran has been fired, Mayor Kasim Reed announced in an afternoon press conference on Tuesday.

The announcement comes after Cochran was suspended for one month without pay after reportedly publishing a paperback book with, what Reed called, "disturbing sentiments about the LGBT community."

Mayor Reed listed among the reasons motivating his decision the fact that Cochran wrote a book with inflammatory language without asking permission from him and that he spoke out during the investigation.

Reed stressed that this was not about Cochran's religious beliefs but about the judgment to publish a book that could open the City of Atlanta to lawsuits without discussing it with senior leadership.

Reed also asked people to stop calling his home and asking for Cochran to be reinstated. He said people have been calling him and calling him names, like "Antichrist."

Cochran did speak with the city's ethics advisor on multiple occasions about the book, Reed said. He added that she advised him not to publish it.

Read the full story here: