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2024 Protect the American Family Survey (For candidates)

(congressional candidates)


  1. I will Oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act -- better known as the Gay Bill of Special Rights -- should it come up for a vote in the Senate in the future.

  2. I will Oppose the Student Non-Discrimination Act -- better known as the Homosexual Classrooms Act -- in every vote, whether it be Committee, Procedural or Floor.

  3. I will Oppose the Respect for Marriage Act -- better known as the Offense of Marriage Act -- and any attempt to force homosexual "marriage" upon the entire country via the federal government

  4. I will Support legislation to protect the Right of individual states to keep the definition of real marriage as one man and one woman for themselves.

  5. I hereby Pledge to do whatever I can to stop federal courts and bureaucrats from forcing homosexual values, homosexual "marriage" and homosexual privileges on states or businesses.

  6. I will Oppose the appointment of any radical supporter of the Homosexual Agenda as an ambassador, judge or to any position in the executive branch.