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The Wonderful Conservative Icon, M. Stanton Evans

Quinn Hilyer of National Review Writes:

There will be much, much more to write on this topic in the next few days, but let me be one of the first here at NRO to lament the passing of one of the great men of the conservative movement, in some respects the founding father of conservative reporting (slightly different from conservative opinion writing), and a truly wonderful human being, M. Stanton Evans.

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Steve Hayward on Powerline writes:

Sad news this morning of the passing of M. Stanton Evans at the age of 80. He was, in addition to his long list of books and distinguished career in journalism, the author of the Sharon Statement, one of the founding documents of modern conservatism produced at the founding of Young Americans for Freedom in 1960.

The Washington Times reports:

M. Stanton Evans, conservative icon, dead at 80

M. Stanton Evans, arguably the funniest serious man in America for much of his 80 years on the planet, died Tuesday after a long bout with pancreatic cancer.

When people had to weigh which of two or more simultaneous events to attend, they tended to pick the one at which Mr. Evans was a scheduled speaker.

That way, they might hear him say, "Tax cuts are like sex: When they are good, they are very, very good. And when they are bad, they are still pretty good."

New York Times reports:

M. Stanton Evans, Who Helped Shape Conservative Movement, Is Dead at 80

(In part) "One of his first contributions to the conservative cause was perhaps the most significant. At 26, he drafted the statement of principles upon which Young Americans for Freedom, the first substantial national conservative organization, was created in September 1960. He was chosen for the task because of his editorial writing in Indianapolis."