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Response to Trump's getting 45% Absentee Vote, Pollster Porn: "Expected Larger Lead"

Contrary to one poll that shows John Kasich ahead by 2 points in Michigan, Trump is leading in most other polls.

John Kasich has inched ahead of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Michigan's primary race, a new ARG poll has found.

On the other hand another Michigan poll by the liberal Detroit Free Press (quote, "Delgaudio is a cockaroach", editorial, 1990) shows Trump way ahead with 29 per cent of the vote and higher: 39 per cent support in the metro Detroit area -- in the city.

And he, Trump, is collecting 45% of the absentee vote according to the Detroit Free Press.

Nearly 500,000 absentee votes are being cast -- an increase of 100,000 over four years ago.

Yet, the pollster who's name is Bernie Porn (no kidding) says he is not impressed.

"I expected a larger lead for Trump given all the other polls," said Bernie Porn, the pollster for EPIC-MRA of Lansing, for the Free Press, WXYZ-TV Detroit and their outstate polling partners. Porn added that while he considers it likely Trump will win Michigan, other factors, like the debate and late-breaking TV ads against him, could cut into that lead.