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Prejean On Dobson Program: God Reigns Over Satan

Prejean On Dobson Program: God Reigns Over Satan

In an interview Monday with conservative Christian radio talk show host James Dobson, Prejean said her answer to the pagent judge's question on gay marriage pitted her against the Devil.

"I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking this question," she said.

"And then God was in my head and in my heart saying: 'Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for Me and you need to share with all these need to witness to them.'"

She said God asked her, "Carrie, how bad do you want this? Are you willing to compromise your beliefs for a one-year crown of Miss USA?"

"I am convinced now more than ever of the importance of standing up for your beliefs and convictions," Prejean emphasized.

"I hope I have inspired others to maintain compassion, civility, respect and tolerance while staying true to your convictions and to never ever compromise your beliefs in the pursuit of his or her own goals regardless of the consequences."

For article on Trump Affirming Miss California Crown and Prejean's Dobson appearance, go to