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Sotomayor Confirmed

(Fox News) - The Senate voted Thursday to confirm Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court in a 68-31 vote.
In a rare step of assembling at their desks on the Senate floor for the historic occasion, senators voted to confirm Sotomayor as the 111th justice and third woman to serve on the high court.  

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Thirty one Senators voted against Stomayor and for true justice. Here is the list.
NO -31

McConnell (R), Bennett (R), Bunning (R),Roberts (R),Inhofe (R),Brownback (R),Thune (R),Wicker (R),Kyl (R), Cochran (R), Cornyn (R), Hatch (R), Sessions (R), Crapo (R) , Risch (R), Johanns (R) , Grassley (R), Coburn (R) , Vitter (R), Shelby (R), Hutchison (R), Burr (R), DeMint (R), Corker (R), Chambliss (R), Isakson (R), McCain (R) ,Ensign (R) ,  Enzi (R), Barrasso (R) , Murkowski (R)