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Delgaudio Delivers Anti-Thought Control Petitions to Senators

Washington, DC -- Eugene Delgaudio, Executive Director of Public Advocate of the United States, a non-profit pro family organization based in Falls Church, Virginia delivered boxes filled with thousands of petitions to Senators on Capitol Hill today in an effort to continue to stop the extremist homosexual agenda in its tracks.

The petitions specifically asks these Senators to fight Ted Kennedy's Thought Control (or so-called "hate-crimes") Bill which is continuously being pushed by the Senate's far-left-leadership. The legislation was dealt a severe blow earlier this month when the Bill did not receive the needed support for cloture on the Senate floor.

Yet the supporters of the radical homosexual lobby are not deterred and they continue to push to reach the need votes to pass the legislation which seeks to punish thoughts instead of actions and make the prosecution and punishment of violent criminals more difficult and less severe.

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans are asking their elected representatives to stop the so-called hate crimes bill being proposed by extremists like Ted Kennedy, Tom Daschle, and Hillary Clinton," stated Delgaudio. "It is time that Senators stand up for freedom and crime control and not be bullied by the politically correct thought control police."