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Official Clinton State Department Policy: Adults should convert young people to homosexual lifestyle

repost from 6-12-2011

Official Clinton State Department Policy: Adults should convert young people to homosexual lifestyle

CNS reports Hillary to State Dept. Employees: Tell Teens It's Okay to be Gay and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged State Department employees to tell teens it's okay to be homosexual.

Public Advocate believes this is simply open season on normal and moral young people as ordered by yet another high ranking Obama official.

Video of Hillary Clinton telling adults to promote and recruit young people to homosexuality.

Note about this repost: this is a repost.

Public Advocate fights the Homosexual Lobby propaganda machine solicitations directed to children and believes the adding of the two words "sexual orientation" to any civil rights laws also opens up
protections for pedophiles and other "rights" (polygamy, incest and more).

Michigan Homosexual rights blogs and one major Michigan news organization deny that homosexuals want rights for pedophiles and other child molestors. So Public Advocate is reposting internationally known reports showing their efforts to recruit children.