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Eugene Delgaudio: Our Supreme Court Pleadings Get Worldwide Support

Eugene Delgaudio: Our Supreme Court Pleadings Get Worldwide Support

Since 1981 as president of Public Advocate there has been infrequent public recognition of some of the legal briefs or regulatory filings by Public Advocate as part of our pro-family mission.

In recent weeks it has been my honor, in my capacity as President of Public Advocate, to see our guiding principles being discussed by numerous legal and religious leaders on a worldwide basis.

I take our mission seriously and when the debate nationwide is robust, our small group is in the middle of the discussion.

Public Advocate has argued in our domestic legal filings that our values are eternal and relevant to all societies.

Defending the Boy Scouts, promoting the use of referendums to defend traditional values and keeping track of those anti-Democratic forces in our own country who subvert referendums, promoting traditional marriage and in recent days defending the assault at Easter time on the Pope and his church as if it was an attack on all churches.

When we need to get national attention, Public Advocate has not had trouble getting that. Thank you to all who made that possible.

But we also do the quiet work of legal complaints. And it does not get as much attention that Public Advocate has waged important legal challenges also.

For example, one legal precedent stands today due the simple passage of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and that is the Public Advocate request for ruling from the Internal Revenue Service making it illegal for homosexual "couples" to file for joint federal returns. The Internal Revenue Service agreed with Public Advocate. DOMA and that Public Advocate request for ruling still stand.

That is a benchmark legal ruling that stands today and only an annual notice here is made of that. Perhaps in the secret briefing rooms of the homosexual lobby as well.

And probably no one remembers a previous Pope asking his American bishops to support the Defense of Marriage Act when it was being debated as a social justice issue.

We are gratified that many of the themes expressed in our other legal briefs and legislative polices are the subject of many articles and statements or embraced enthusiastically by relgious leaders and we amplify that here previously

and here

and here

From the Beginning of this period of several weeks we have been saying :

Public Advocate Court Brief Shows NY Times May Be Guilty of Defamation

Pedophilia plays a key role in the recruitment of future homosexuals. Regarding the homosexual recruitment process, noted sex researchers Masters and Johnson observed:

In most instances, homophile interests developed in the early to midteens.... There was no history of overt heterosexual experience prior to homophile orientation. Recruitment usually was accomplished by an older male, frequently in his twenties, but occasionally men in their thirties were the initiators. When the homosexual commitment was terminated, in most instances, the relationship was broken by the elder partner. With termination, the teenager was left with the concept that whether or not he continued as an active homosexual, he would always be homophile-oriented. [W. Masters and V. Johnson, Human Sexual Inadequacy (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970), pp. 179-180.]