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Catholic Archbishop in Australia faces fines, punishment over marriage pamphlet that LGBT movt claims is "insulting." Demanding "gay" diversity training in Catholic schools.

Mass Resistance is reporting:

Using "anti-discrimination" laws against us: Religious freedom becoming a thing of the past. A preview of what you can expect in the United States.

This is where the LGBT movement's aggressive push for "anti-discrimination" laws across America is leading us:

A state tribunal in Australia has announced it is moving forward with a discrimination complaint against a Catholic Archbishop which will likely lead to further action. The crime? Last summer, bishops across Australia distributed a pamphlet describing the Catholic view of marriage to students in their Catholic schools. An LGBT activist subsequently filed a formal complaint against one of the bishops, charging that the pamphlet "offends and humiliates" homosexuals. The complaint also targets the members of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, as authors of the pamphlet.

The Office of Anti-Discrimination has announced that the complaint has merit, and that Archbishop Julian Porteous, the Archdiocese of Hobart in Tasmania, the primary bishop in the complaint, is now being investigated for a violation of the Anti-Discrimination Act.

As a remedy, the complaint demands that all Catholic schools in Australia be required to implement LGBT diversity education. It also demands a formal apology by the Catholic Church to the LGBT community. The bishops named in the complaint could also face other court action and large fines.

What does the marriage pamphlet say?

The 18-page pamphlet, titled "Don't Mess With Marriage," is written in a low-key style as a "pastoral letter." It basically describes Catholic religious teaching on marriage.