Eugene Delgaudio proved right again: Federal Judge Opens Door To Group Marriage

Struttin My Stuff
Eugene Delgaudio proved right again: Federal Judge Opens Door To Group Marriage
So now the strutting rooster gets four or five hens "under the Constitution"?
Public Advocate has warned that so-called gay rights and assaults on tradtional marriage
would bring the destruction of normal marriages and now a federal judge proves Public Advocate
Breitbart reports
The polygamist reality TV stars of "Sister Wives" can sleep easy tonight as a Federal Judge in Utah has struck down at least part of the State's ban on polygamy.
The Utah ban made it illegal and punishable by up to five years in prison for anyone to cohabit with someone they are not legally married to. This part of the law was struck down by Federal Judge Clark Waddoups last December. At the time, the Judge let stand the part of the statute that makes it illegal to have more than one marriage license.
In his latest ruling this week, the Judge found that Utah County Attorney Jeff Buhman had violated the constitutional rights of the Brown family when he investigated them for bigamy. The court ordered the County to pay for the court costs of the Brown family................
Traditional marriage proponents have been mocked for asserting that same-sex marriage would inevitably lead to the legalization of polygam..................